Board of Elders

Our Elders are ordained for life, so they take their job seriously. They tend to the spiritual well being of the congregation, providing care and support to members facing crisis, and are also responsible for distributing the Holy Communion elements.

Christian Education

Plans and executes Christian education programs, including for children, youth and adults. Oversees Youth Fellowship programming and fundraising, and provides a safe and inclusive environment for all educational events. These ministry members love our children like their own, and not just because sometimes they are their own!

Facilities & Finance

Manages and preserves the financial well-being of the church. Maintains the building and grounds, and recommends capital improvement planning when necessary. Because of their combined expertise in matters of finance and maintanance, we manage to keep warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and magically in the black.


We praise God through the joy of music. Our music worship leader coordinates the activities of the Chancel Choir, God’s Little Angels Choir and various solo, ensemble and instrumentalist guests.


Affectionately known as “O”, our Outreach ministry carries out community service projects throughout the year. O has supported many varied organizations throughout the years including PADS, Feed My Starving Children, Loaves & Fishes and the annual CROP Walk.

Parish Life

“If there is food, they will come.” We’re UCC – we like to eat! Parish Life manages all fellowship opportunities, which are numerous and include Sunday coffee, St. Patrick’s Day corned beef, various potlucks, Ash Wednesday soup supper, holiday bake sale… the list goes on and on. In their spare time, Parish Life also makes sure there’s always someone greeting every person that walks through our doors on Sunday mornings.

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life keeps St. John running like a well-oiled machine. They keep our worship schedule lively, maintain our altar and devotional materials, supervise our music staff, train our lay readers and acolytes, and provide guest speakers on the rare occasion that Pastor Matt is unavailable.